Keep It Up

Tactical Problem: Putting the ball into space and moving to prevent the ball from hitting the ground
Skill development: Basic movements of the overhead pass

Teaching Points: 


  • coverage of court
  • anticipate and react to partner's movements (4 R's)
  • prevent ball from landing on the ground after partner tosses
  • play ball quickly (minimize time in possession)
  • stay on your toes and be ready to move in any direction
  • send ball from forehead extending arms
  • make a triangular 'window' with index fingers and thumbs
Lisa and Kristina playing 'Keep It Up'

(click on image for video clip)

Organizational Points: 
Students get into pairs and number themselves one and two. 
One's find a quadrant.  Two's get a ball.

Each pair is in one badminton quadrant (or coned off quadrant of approximately the same size).

Must toss the ball approximately 5 ft. higher than your head.
Must not impede your partners movement (no guarding)
Alternate shots

How can you challenge your opponent?
     Throw the ball where they aren't and throw the ball right away.
Where should you try and position yourself after you toss?
     In the centre (neutral position) so I can move in any direction.

Instead of pushing the ball from the forehead, students can toss underhand.

Move from a cooperative mindset, to challenging your partner to a competitive game where students are trying to win.

If students are advanced they can move into overhead passing rather than tossing and catching the ball.

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